Graduation Details: Graduation is to be held on June 20th at 10:00 AM at the Carl Matlock Fieldhouse. We ask that you not access the field before 9:00 AM, June 20th. The football field and stands will be locked until that time. We will not be limiting the number of family members who may attend, but we are requesting that social distancing guidelines be used at every opportunity. You must come into the field by the main entrance on the east side, and you must leave the field through the west entrance near the gym. A limited supply of masks and hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance and exit of the field. We suggest that families sit in groups and distance from other groups in the stands. Please do not come onto the field for any reason, and please do not gather on the field after graduation. Rain is not expected; however, if it were to rain, graduation would be held in the gym with details to follow at graduation practice on Friday evening. Your graduate must attend graduation practice Friday evening (5:30 for pizza in the commons with practice to follow) in order to walk in the ceremony on Saturday morning. If you have any questions, feel free to call the high school office.
over 4 years ago, Keli Harrell
ENROLLMENT INSTRUCTIONS: This year we are trying something new. Login into gradebook using either your Wengage username and password or the student's google email. Select the Course request tab Click the Add next to the desired electives When complete click the back button to view course requests. Freshmen need to choose either computer app I or Spanish I plus 2 electives. Seniors choose classes you have not taken in the past. All schedules will be individually reviewed by the counselor. To make changes to schedules Seniors may come in August 3, Juniors-August 4, Sophomores-August 5, Freshman-August 6, Open-August 7. 8:30-2 all days. Online enrollment is available until June 26th.
over 4 years ago, Shelby Offineer
Graduation practice is Friday, June 19th at 6:30 pm. We will be serving pizza for our graduates in the commons area at 5:30 pm. You MUST attend graduation practice in order to walk during graduation. Please dress appropriately for practice as it may be very hot that evening. Please return any textbooks, library books, or athletic equipment that you may have to the high school office before graduation (June 20th). Failure to do so may add your name to the a list which will require you to return the school property before you may pick up your diploma and/or transcript The high school office will be open Mondays through Thursdays from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm to assist you. If you have any questions, please call 918-427-4601 option #4.
over 4 years ago, Keli Harrell
Our Senior Parade and Pep Rally will be broadcast this evening on 104.3! Congratulations Senior Class 2020!
over 4 years ago, Keli Harrell
High School Enrollment Questions? Please call 918-427-4601 X 4 starting June 1 from 8:00 AM to Noon. You do not need to come to the office at this time. Please watch our media for further information.
over 4 years ago, Keli Harrell
Friday Night Senior Parade and Pep Rally--Seniors are to meet at Roland Road Hardware and The Assembly of God no later than 6:45 pm to be escorted to the high school. Please do NOT wear your caps and gowns--save those for graduation on June 20th. Seniors are to park at the high school using the band room parking lot, the admin parking area, or if need be, the area by the gym. EVERYONE is to remain in their vehicles except for the seniors who will walk to the specified chairs and be seated--abiding by social distancing protocols at all times. After being addressed by Mrs. Harrell and Mr. Rainwater, the seniors will be expected to exit the facilities utilizing CDC social distancing guidelines.
over 4 years ago, Keli Harrell
Sports physicals (athletes in grades 6 through 12) will be held on Thursday, June 4th in the Roland Junior High Gym. Boys' exams will start at 1:00 PM and the girls will follow at 2:00 PM. A $10 fee is due and payable at the time of the exam. The paperwork must be picked up and filled out prior to the exam and requires a parent's signature. Paperwork will be available in the high school office May 27 through June 3rd from 8:00 AM until Noon. You may also pick up the paperwork from the coaches.
over 4 years ago, Keli Harrell
SENIOR PEP RALLY AND PARADE! Friday, May 29th at 7:00 PM Decorate your cars and meet at Roland Road Hardware or Assembly of God parking lot and parade up to the high school for the pep rally. Seniors--Check your school email next week for further instructions--remember--CDC guidelines will apply.
over 4 years ago, Keli Harrell
If your student has anything in the Jr High gym or the baseball facility, you may pick up the items today, Thursday, May 21 or tomorrow Friday, May 22 from 9 am until noon. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Rutlege.
over 4 years ago, Angie Goode
GRADUATION is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, June 20th at 10:00 AM. Please understand, this date is subject to CDC guidelines and may have to be rescheduled. However, we are optimistic that we will be able to proceed with our commencement ceremony at the above date and time. On Friday, May 15th, between the hours of 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM we will have our stadium lights turned on to honor and commemorate our Roland Senior Class of 2020. Please remember that the facilities are closed. If you drive by, please remain in your vehicles.
over 4 years ago, Keli Harrell
Roland Schools have chosen Mr. Jeff Brant as the Masonic Teacher of the Year for the 2019-2020 school year. Mr. Brant has taught physical science, 8th grade science and science lab at Roland for the past 15 years and is highly respected by his peers and beloved by his students, past and present. Congratulations, Mr. Brant!
over 4 years ago, Angie Goode
Roland Schools would like to announce the Masonic Students of Today. These students are selected by their teachers on the basis of scholarship, leadership, and academic qualities. The 3rd grade students chosen are Kaylee Cochran and Connor Stacey. The 6th grade students are Addyson Clark and Noah McKown. Freshmen students are Jaidyn Burrell and Connor Reichert. Senior students are Mikayla Whittenburg and Will Greer. Congratulations to these students and their families. We are so proud of you all!
over 4 years ago, Angie Goode
ATTENTION SENIORS: Adam with Balfour/Graduate Sales will distribute caps, gowns, announcements, etc. on Thursday, May 14th from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM in front of the high school. Please follow packet pickup procedures (drive by high school north to south with your passenger side toward the building). And, follow CDC guidelines--do not get out of your vehicles. Orders must be paid in full or cash only upon delivery. Any questions, at all, must be directed to Adam at 1-580-436-5320.
over 4 years ago, Keli Harrell
SENIORS! Make sure you are checking your school email! Mrs. Offineer is sending out instructions for your final transcript to be sent to the first college of your choice.
over 4 years ago, Keli Harrell
We still have several several yearbooks that need to be picked up today. We will be available from 8 AM to Noon and then 1 PM to 3 PM. If you are unable to pick up or purchase a yearbook today, please email Mrs. Richards at to schedule a time to do so. There are approximately 25 extra yearbooks available to purchase for $45 apiece.
over 4 years ago, Keli Harrell
Our phones are now in service. Thank you for you patience!
over 4 years ago, Keli Harrell
The phone system, district wide, is out of service. Please email us if you have any questions or need assistance. We will advise when our phone system is back in service. We apologize for any inconveniences.
over 4 years ago, Keli Harrell
Yearbooks to be Distributed--Tuesday, May 5th and Wednesday, May 6th yearbooks will be distributed from the front of the high school from 8 AM to Noon and 1 PM to 3PM. This will be for people who have already purchased yearbooks. Some additional yearbooks are available for purchase on a first come/first serve basis. CDC regulations will be followed--STAY IN YOUR VEHICLE AND LINE UP AS IF YOU WERE PICKING UP YOUR STUDENT FROM SCHOOL.
over 4 years ago, Keli Harrell
If your JH student took spring pictures, you may pick up the proofs next week (beginning May 4) on Monday, Wednesday or Friday from 9-12 noon at the JH office. If you cannot make those times, please call the JH office to make different arrangements.
almost 5 years ago, Angie Goode
Distance Learning packets are due to all respective buildings on or before May 1st. Thank you parents and students for your cooperation during this challenging time.
almost 5 years ago, Lori Wiggins